Jason Wertzberger Deposition Legal Justice

Jason Wertzberger - Law, Justice, Videotaping and Depositions Recording - Los Angeles

Legal Video Depositions are taken by attorneys in law firms to verify information for the record to be used in settlement or trial.

The witness is usually represented by their own attorney, as well as the client, but the witness is required by law to answer the questions of the examining attorney.

The witnesses attorney has the right to object to any question is answered, however the question must still be answered.

A judge is not usually present during the creation of the record in a deposition, so objection are preserved for future ruling by the judge.

If the deponent's attorney does object and refuse to allow the witness to answer the question, that attorney must show good cause.

If the judge must overrule them later, their witness can be brought back at their expense
for all attorney fees to return for another day of questions, and at that time, there will usually be even more questions.

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